German hard rock legends SCORPIONS will release their 19th studio album, “Rock Believer”, on February 11, 2022. The LP’s first single, “Peacemaker”, will precede the full-length effort on October 21, 2021.
During the pandemic the band retreated to the studio in their German hometown in Hanover and started working on new songs.
“The album was written and recorded in the SCORPIONS DNA with core [Rudolf] Schenker/[Klaus] Meine compositions,” says singer Klaus Meine. “We recorded the album as a band live in one room, like we did in the ’80s.”
“Rock Believer” was recorded primarily at Peppermint Park Studios in Hannover, Germany and was mixed at the legendary Hansa Studios in Berlin, Germany with engineer Michael Ilbert, who has earned multiple Grammy nominations for his mix work with producer Max Martin on albums by Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.
SCORPIONS‘ new album will mark their first release since 2017’s “Born To Touch Your Feelings – Best Of Rock Ballads”, which was an anthology of new and classic material.
SCORPIONS originally intended to record the new album in Los Angeles with producer Greg Fidelman, whose previous credits include SLIPKNOT and METALLICA. However, because of the pandemic, some of the initial work was done with Greg remotely, after which SCORPIONS opted to helm the recordings themselves with the help of their engineer Hans-Martin Buff.
Meine previously told Talking Metal that the goal with using Fidelman to produce “Rock Believer” was to bring “the old vibe from albums like ‘Blackout’, ‘Love At First Sting’ or even ‘Lovedrive’. We try to focus on those albums and this attitude,” he said. “If we get there, who knows — it’s so many years later. But it’s the spirit and it’s the whole vibe around this album. This time, the focus is on the harder songs.”
According to Meine, SCORPIONS‘ new LP features “no outside writers at all,” unlike 2015’s “Return To Forever”, which was largely co-written by the album’s producers, Mikael Nord Andersson and Martin Hansen.
SCORPIONS will kick off their “Rock Believer” world tour in March 2022 in Las Vegas where the band will play nine shows as part of their residency at Planet Hollywood Hotel. Afterwards they will cross the Atlantic to Europe where they will play six concerts in France and six shows In Germany supported by Wolfgang Van Halen‘s new band MAMMOTH WVH.
SCORPIONS Rock Zone fan community members have exclusive first access to tickets and VIP packages beginning tomorrow morning, Thursday, September 30 at 10:00 a.m. CEST, with tickets going on-sale to the general public Friday, October 1 at 10 a.m. CEST.
SCORPIONS 2022 “Rock Believer” tour dates:
Mar. 26 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Mar. 30 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 01 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 03 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 07 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 09 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 12 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 14 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 16 – Zappos Theater – Las Vegas, NV
May 10 – Altice Arena – Lisbon, Portugal
May 13 – Zenith Toulouse Metropole – Toulouse, France
May 15 – Zenith De Lille – Lille, France
May 17 – Accorhotels Arena – Paris, France
May 21 – Hallenstadion – Zurich, Switzerland
May 23 – Arena Di Verona – Verona, Italy
May 26 – O2 Arena – Prague, Czech Republic
May 28 – Tauron Arena – Kraków, Poland
May 30 – Laszlo Papp Sports Arena – Budapest, Hungary
Jun. 03 – Rockfest – Helsinki, Finland
Jun. 08 – Schleyerhalle – Stuttgart, Germany*
Jun. 10 – Olympiahalle – Munich, Germany*
Jun. 12 – Festhalle – Frankfurt, Germany*
Jun. 16 – Mercedes-Benz Arena – Berlin, Germany*
Jun. 17 – Zag Arena – Hannover, Germany*
Jun. 19 – Westfalenhalle – Dortmund, Germany*
Jun. 23 – Hellfest – Clisson, France
Jun. 25 – Rock Imperium Festival – Cartagena, Spain
Jun. 28 – Palais Nikaia – Nice, France
Jun. 30 – Le Galaxie – Amneville, France
Jul. 02 – Zenith D’Auvergne – Clermont-Ferrand, France
SCORPIONS‘ last full-length collection of new recordings was the aforementioned “Return To Forever”, partially comprising songs the band had in the vault from the ’80s. It was the final recorded appearance of SCORPIONS‘ longtime drummer James Kottak, who was dismissed from the band in September 2016. He has since been replaced by Mikkey Dee, formerly of MOTÖRHEAD.
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