Borderlands 3
Take Two was all smiles in their earnings call this past week, led in part by a flagship title from the past fiscal year, Borderlands 3, which has continued to sell well as 2K’s fastest-selling game at 13 million copies moved so far.
It’s pretty apparent at this point that Gearbox is working on Borderlands 4, but one surprising bit of news from the call was that Gearbox is also supposed to be releasing a new game within the next fiscal year, so by the end of March 2022.
Take Two says it will release 21 games this fiscal year, including four “immersive core” games which are in the vein of GTA, Red Dead, Borderlands, aka big AAA games, though not necessarily installments from those exact series. But two of the four “core” games will be from existing series, and two will be from new ones.
Given that Gearbox has mainly found success through the Borderlands franchise, while some are speculating that their new game could be another side-project like Battleborn, I’d wager a guess that given how Battleborn went, we might be staying in the Borderlands universe.

Borderlands 3
If Borderlands 4 is still a few years away, it could be time for another Pre-Sequel-like spin-off for Borderlands. Maybe not something as big as a new game, but something that would sell well and please Borderlands fans all the same. Releasing that within the year seems like a bit of a tall order, given how much work has continued to be done on Borderlands 3 with post-launch content, but perhaps it’s been in the works for a while.
And if it’s coming out before next March, I’d expect to start hearing about it in the next few months, possibly with an E3 reveal.
Generally fans liked the Pre-Sequel, minus a few of its more irritating gimmicks, but it grew the universe and importantly, added a bunch of new Vault Hunters to play with. Borderlands 3 has strangely decided to forego adding any new post-launch Vault Hunters at all, and they could be saving new concepts for Borderlands 4. Or I suppose, a spin-off.
Regardless, the takeaway here is that in a land of struggling looter shooters, only a few titles are riding the storm, and those are the OGs of the genre, Destiny, Warframe and Borderlands, the looter shooter who started it all…by stealing from Diablo first.
I would much rather see a new Borderlands spin-off rather than something akin to Battleborn, as I don’t think some weird multiplayer experiment would be a good use of Gearbox’s skill set. With BL3 being huge, BL4 on the way and a movie in the works, the franchise is healthier than it’s ever been, and I’ll look forward to seeing what they do with it next.
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