
Kevin Hart Opens Up About What He Learned From His Life-Changing Car Accident

You’d be hard pressed to find a star in Hollywood who’s putting out more projects than Kevin Hart right now. The fact that the Borderlands star is going so hard is even more impressive when you consider he has been recovering from serious injuries he received in a car accident right before the pandemic hit. Two years after his life-changing accident, Hart has opened up about what he has learned from the experience and how his mindset has shifted on what is really important in life. 

The actor recently opened up about how his priorities changed after his car accident and how the near-death experience re-established how important it is for him to put his family first. During the episode of All The Smoke, which is hosted by former NBA players Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, the comedian explained how he was able to become the type of father he had never been before. On the accident waking him up, he said:

I mean it’s the day I almost died, but the day I woke up. That’s when the priorities changed, that’s when life was different. ‘Are you valuing the right things? Do you really value the correct things?’ And the correct things, of course, are your loved ones, your family. And there’s moments when you overlook that because you’re so caught up into the job, the money, the success. And you sometimes make your family secondary to all the moves that you gotta make out here. The accident/pandemic is the longest I’ve ever sat down in my life, but it’s the best time that I’ve ever had because I got to see what matters the most. And the value that came from that was prioritizing them and their needs, in a way that I never have.
